Friday, June 11, 2010

How do we react to God doing a new thing?

We know it's true right? Whenever God does something new, people want to kill somebody.

It is annoying to see that the "Jews" mentioned in John 10 are such sticklers for legalism that despite all the amazing teaching and unique healings they want to kill him for saying something provocative? (DW thinks I am over stating, this does not make sense. But I'm trying it on you anyway.)

Sometimes we have to be willing to think outside the box, to suspend all our old prejudices, to hold lightly the things we hold dear. I guess what DW is thinking is "What about all those things that are right?" But it is still good to relook at them and reaffirm their rightness.

In 10:31 Jesus says, "I and the Father are one!" The Jews react in anger and want to stone him. But surely after all the things he has said and done shouldn't he at least be given a hearing? I do not think they did, they simply reacted. Their deeply held beliefs are too firm.

Of course they are right, God is God. He is unique. He is not like a human. How can a man be God? This is impossible. And yet, they admit, only God can do the things he has done. They have seen it. But they are not willing to even consider his claim.

Jesus responds to their reaction. He quotes the Old Testament. "I said you are gods." So, he asks, "Why the anger when I equate myself with God?"

We need not reject the basic tenets of the faith. But sometimes we are called to reassess the implications.

God is a God of surprises. He loves to do new things. He loves to do them in our midst. We have to be open or we will miss them.

I tend to get angry at surprises, just like the Jews. God is gentle with me. But I do not want to miss what he is doing.

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