Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Paradoxes (I love) and John 15 (sort of)

On Sunday I gave a sermon at Brighton based on an article in Biblioteca Sacra, the quarterly publication of Dallas Theological Seminary.

The article was on paradoxes in Paul's writings. He listed three. I mentioned all three and also talked about the paradoxical nature of Jesus' Beatitudes in his sermon on the Mount. I specifically spoke on "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth".

I then mostly spoke on Paul's talk in 2 Corinthians 12 where he summarizes, "For when I am weak, then I am strong".

In John 15 Jesus speaks of abiding in him, abiding in Jesus. If you abide in Jesus you will bear much fruit. To me the whole idea of abiding is paradoxical. How can one do that and at the same time bear fruit? I don't get it.

Abiding to me means sitting in my quiet place praying, reading, meditating, listening. But to bear much fruit I have to be out doing: serving, loving, interacting, leading, following others. That does not seem like abiding to me.

I'm sure I've got it wrong. Why am I sure? Because Jesus seems to have no problem with it. He just tells us to abide and we will bear. It is a statement.

But when I do anything I get distracted. It looks and feel like I am doing it on my own. I try to do it in God's will, God's way. But I fall so short.

I love it when, as I act in God's behalf God jumps in and makes something happen supernaturally. I love it. But of course I never know when that will happen beforehand.

I think I can trust God with the fruit. I may not see it. If there is truly much fruit I know I do not see it. I believe in faith that God is making it happen.

Jesus further states in 15:8 "God, my Father, is glorified when I bear much fruit (and so prove to be my disciples). Again this a statement. God will receive the glory, we have been assured. I just love it when a plan comes together.

So get out there and do it. Abide in Jesus and bear much fruit. Be ambitious to serve and do what you see Jesus doing. Do it and bear much fruit. God is glorified. Praise God! He deserves it.

Jesus' sermon rises to a climax. He adds that we abide in his love. Keep his commandments and you will know you abide in his love. My joy will be in you and your joy will be full.

This chapter is a sermon, it proceeds from abiding, continues to bearing fruit, to love, then he speaks of laying down him life out of love, and concludes by calling them (and us) friends if we do all this. We are friends who know everything he knows. What joy to be the friend of the Son of God!

It may not be paradoxical but it is so amazing it is hard to get the mind around.

Someone summarized it as: Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last. That spells: JOY

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