Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mark 14: 1-11

A woman, using very expensive perfume, anoints Jesus' head. The smell must have been wonderful.

But it provokes some negative reactions. It looks like such a waste. My commentator thinks, (drawing from John's version) that this woman is Mary of Bethany. After Jesus brought her brother back from the dead, she is convinced that he is the savior of the world, the promised messiah spoken of in Isaiah.

She knows that he must now suffer. So Jesus knew her heart. Jesus knew she really was meaning to anoint him for his burial. She knew he would soon die. And she believed he would come back from the dead. That is why she was not in the group of women who went to the tomb early Sunday morning. (This is an interesting theory, the words do not directly say this.)

This is extravagant giving. The grumblers said this perfume cost a year's wages. It was like the widow's gift that we read only a few days ago. Here people do not understand or approve of it.

Do you understand extravagant giving when others feel called to it? Perhaps a loved one feels called to lifetime of missionary service. Do you feel that it is a waste of talent? Maybe someone bequeaths all their fortune to a charity in their will. Are you losing out? It may be a charity you do not like. Can you accept it joyfully knowing the person is doing what they feel called to? And as with the widow, Jesus commends it. God approves it and loves to see a person giving joyfully from their heart.

Are you willing to give extravagantly for the sake of God, whom you love?

Are you too calculating in your giving? I know I am. Sadly some examples of that have come recently in my life. They are very small, but seemed so big at the time that I got very very mad.

I am much too sensitive in taking offense when I am being used. It's to the point where I see offense where others see nothing.

Why should I take it so seriously? After all my savior was used much more than I ever likely will be. God help me to be able to give up total control especially in my giving and in my serving.

If you think to pray for me, this would be a good place to start.

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