Friday, June 10, 2011

Revelation 2

God is wholly to be trusted. That is my watch phrase of the day.

For the prophesy over the Ephesian church (2:1-7) the commentator suggests that Jesus is addressing the dichotomy of love versus law. The Ephesians seem to have gotten the rules right. They can discern true teaching from false (a major accomplishment). They hate the Nicolaitans, a seemingly false sect of Christianity.

No one has ever found records of what this group taught. It must not have existed for long. Perhaps it melded into some other heresy. I'd love to think that they repented and came back to the church.

But it seems the Ephesians have ceased to do deeds of love. Why? Have they gotten legalistic in some way? As the commentator notes, this law versus love conflict is a false dichotomy. One can still be discerning and love at the same time. God calls us to love everyone, sinners though we all are.

The commentator suggests they have gotten prideful, like Ephesians in general, who like to thing they are a part of the best city in the region, if not the world. I think of New Yorkers like that. But Houstonians can be pretty proud too, often comparing ourselves favorably to Dallas and San Antonio. Did the church members start to think they were better than others?

If we follow the commentator's logic then Jesus is saying they have stopped doing deeds of love and compassion for non-Christian folks. They took themselves to be better than others and felt it beneath them to love in the name of Jesus.

This seems to be similar to the Pharisees that Jesus criticized so much. The Pharisees did give alms and do charity. But they only did it to get attention. They only did it for themselves. Love never entered into it. They were never concerned about individual people. These sinners were beneath them and must not be associated with.

Jesus went to visit the lowly and outcast in the name of God. Because God loved them he loved them too. Let us remember to be like that in our daily lives.

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