Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mark 2:13-17

Jesus calls Levi, son of Alphaeus. We are pretty sure this is the same man we usually call Matthew. Levi immediately goes.

Then Levi gives a party in celebration of his salvation. How else can one call it? This is a real Lord's Supper. Jesus is the guest of honor. "Come meet my friends and acquaintances", says Levi. This is contrasts and underscored by the Pharisees who understand what a fellowship meal means.

When he broke bread with them Jesus is accepting all the "sinners" into his kingdom. The king gave a banquet and this time all the invited guests came. This reminds us of the parable Jesus told of the invited guests who did not come. Perhaps Jesus was thinking about this very party when he spoke like that.

God's kingdom is for everyone, rich and poor, sinner and righteous. We must put down what we are coming and come.

The church celebrates Jesus' death and resurrection by holding a symbolic meal. It is a fellowship meal in the same way Levi's meal was. We celebrate. We do not create a full three course meal. But we do it together, from all walks of life. We share Jesus together. Jesus is the honored guest. Jesus accepted all kinds, not just overtly religious.

The last verse gives Jesus' response to the Pharisees. "It is not the healthy that need a physician. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners."

This statement is ironic for we are all sinners, even those of us who are professional Christians. No matter how hard we try or what external efforts we make, we are all sinners and need to accept God's call to the banquet.

Jesus calls everyone and we all need to accept his call. We need to celebrate God's love for us.

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