Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mark 8 - In LA

Quickly, got to go.

Jesus feed the 4,000, an amazing sign. In the next sentence the Pharisees ask for a sign. Didn't they see the last one? It is irony that Jesus quickly and firmly refuses to produce on command. He produces for need. God still does that today. But Jesus could have said, "look what I just did? Didn't you see that?" He doesn't. Why?

Walking around an interesting section. It is filled with older houses. Yet these houses are fairly well kept up. Maybe because they are so much more valuable than the same houses would be in Houston. The house that DD3 rents with a family was built in the 50's. The dad proudly answers that. I think he does not see that as old. In Houston that is old and would not have been said proudly. A Houstonian would not gladly live in a house built that long ago.

Thinking like that I think LA is an older city than Houston. One might think of LA as a new city. Some parts of it must be. But a lot of greater LA is from the 50's or older. Houston houses are on average much newer. In parts of town with older houses Houston is doing a lot of tearing down and rebuilding. I do not see any of that in the section of greater LA that I have been in.

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