Monday, September 30, 2013

Strange new position to be in

Saturday night I got hit on by a woman. She was not too bad looking either. (Sorry DW) DW was there to watch the second half so she can confirm it, in case it seems as improbable to you as it does to me. Again as I said, after DW came over and I introduced her, she kept right on chatting me up (she was pretty drunk). I'd say she was pretty good at it.

I got a perfect spot to watch a football game and I really did not want to move. In any other case I would have trust me. Introducing my wife after she came back from getting a coke did not help. Finally I left to watch outside. I left at the end of the quarter. But DW likes to stay in the a/c. So I left her there. I'm told that she had no shame. She continued to praise me to my wife. That was a strange situation.

DW has cautioned me several times to watch myself if I am going to go to public places by myself. I need to watch for aggressive women. I have gone on St. Arnold's pub crawls. There was a woman a few years ago who asked to sit at my table. I said no. I was reading and need no companionship. At the time I really did not give it much thought. I did not see it as hitting on me. Now I am unsure. Tonight I plan to go to a bar where the Rice coach's show will be broadcast live. I am going to go to a bowling fund raiser this Saturday. I sit by myself and mind my own business. Now I have my kindle instead of a paper book. Having women hitting on me is a very new think for me.

Yet because of my very poor social skills I feel pretty immune. I know, that is when I must really be on my guard. Yet when I was younger this never happened. Besides I have never liked aggressive women, I always preferred to be the aggressor. Yet since I am so bad at it, ham handed you might say, I was always pretty safe. So my lack of social understanding of women made me pretty safe. Today on the other hand, I respect the power of hormones. Hormones rule. There will be attractions. So I had better watch myself. It's weird though. It's weird to think that some woman might find me attractive. Very weird.

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