Tuesday, May 4, 2010

musings on John 6

Jesus says "I am the bread of life. He who eats of me shall live because of me." He spoke this in Capernaum. Many left him as a result of this. Why? They took it too literally. He then tried to explain it to them. He explained this was a spiritual saying. He was not saying it was about eating his flesh.

"It is the Spirit who gives life the flesh profits nothing. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life." This could be translated, "It is the spiritual that gives life, the flesh is of no avail."

He was trying to tell them that they would feed on his spiritual body, not actual flesh. But he still uses imagery, he does not tell them plainly. He leaves that for his disciples. For others he leaves room for faith.

Peter explains faith in the next section. Jesus then asks the twelve if they too want to go. It hurt his that so many left. His response to the disciples shows his hurt. Peter responds, "Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." Peter expressed true faith here. Reading that always reminds me of my days at Redeemer Episcopal in the 70s. It was not always fun and a recent book listed a lot of the sins and deficiencies. Nevertheless God's Spirit was there. It is the spirit that give life, the flesh profits nothing. We supped at the Spirit of Life. Accept no substitutes. I'll always hunger for God. I got a taste of God at Redeemer. I still get a taste of Him in quiet and in church community. I still have not found a perfect one but God still comes and inhabits his people.

Peter showed faith when he said, "To whom could we go, YOU have (YOU ARE) the words of eternal life." He hungered. I hunger too. I hope you hunger as well.

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