Monday, May 24, 2010


Cool MP spoke on the Holy Spirit Sunday morning. Finally, at the end, he mentioned it was Pentecost. But just as an afterthought.

In the evening I was the substitute reader since Rocky was out of town. Rocky is in a wheelchair so he has to know whether the reader is there or not. I can be more spontaneous. This certainly would look very spontaneous since I came out of the choir and crossed the nave to walk up and read.

I looked over and notice no one was in the "ready" position, just under the epistle side reading box. So I did glance at what was being read in the bulletin. The new bulletins, since the beginning of the year, have all of the service including all the reading. I saw that we had a fairly short psalm and decided that we would read in responsively.

Then an older couple came in and sat near the front. I thought maybe one of them would read. I tried to decide whether I was relieved or disappointed. It was mixed.

But after the collect no one moved towards the lectern so I grabbed the bulletin and headed over to read. I am tempted to start to watch myself but I tried to be in the moment, enjoy the situation, feel what I feel. I did find enjoyment in reading.

We read a few verses of Psalm 32. I knew there was one lesson, not two. That was interested. What I did not know until just now what that I was reading Acts 2. All of Acts 2. Well up to verse 41. I read the coming of the Holy Spirit and then all of the description of Peter's sermon.

The Pentecost story is a great story and I wished to do it justice. I wished I could look up and connect with the audience but really that would not work since I had not rehearsed this. If I looked up I would lose my place. But I tried to pause at the commas and inflect the questions and exclamations a little. This is a reading, not a one act play, so no overdoing it. Try not to rush it. Take it easy. I read it from the bulletin. That seems bad manners somehow but I can be excused since I am emergency reading.

I had to turn the bulletin page twice. On the second turn I was wondering how long more. It did seem long. But I think it turned out well. There is not a high bar for satisfaction yet I'm sure all lectors try to make it special. I think it was special.

Afterwards I noticed some special people in the congregation. Jokingly I mentioned, Ric from AD Players with what looked to be his mother, and said "maybe I'll be discovered". But it was not to be.

Also Mary Frances, our former alto who has written one novel and is editing her second one. She may be successful with this one. The first one was not bad. It was fun since it was partially set in Houston. She says this one is much better.

I got some nice comments. It was a pleasure to do it. It was nice to be complimented. Again I try to experience the moment and enjoy the praise. It's not rocket science but it is nice not to fall flat on my face. hehe

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