Sunday, August 29, 2010

Apostles Creed - third clause

I really loved when LH mentions a very good point about "resurrection of the body".

The final three points that we believe are: "the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting."

LH suggests that the word "body" is important. The word "soul" is not used. The statement is pointedly and consciously rejecting the platonic idea that the soul is immortal but the rest of the body is not. God will resurrect the body not just the soul.

LH suggests that the true view is that the body is one entity. When the body dies all dies. God resurrects the whole body not just a part of it. We shall be resurrected as we are. We will look like we do now. We will be recognizable to our friends and family. The life everlasting will be for our body.

The idea that there is a part of us that is immortal is still commonly held today. But it is not a Biblical concept. It is a Greek concept. Some would say the two views are not incompatible. But I don't agree. And LH does not agree.

It is important because the immortal soul works into a mindset that God is not totally in control. The idea that we are "the captain of our ship, the master of our soul" makes us more in control. But no God is the one who resurrects us from the dead. God forgives us and gives us new life. We who believe will have life everlasting. God promises and God is faithful.

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